
  • Paste Type: Conductor
  • Application Method: Screen Printing
  • Substrate: Alumina
  • Metal: AgPtPd
  • Application: Hybrid IC
  • Description: C4081D is a Ag/Pd/Pt formulation which provides outstanding leach resistance and aged adhesion with many types of solder. This material has excellent silver migration resistance. C4081D prints and hold 5 mil lines and spaces. It's exceptional coverage makes C4081D cost effective to use.
  • Key features: Excellent Ag migration resistance#High coverage#Outstanding leach resistance
  • Process Temperature: 850°C peak temperature. Dwell time of 9-11 minutes.
  • Film Thickness : 7-1+U370 um
  • Viscosity: 310-340 Kcps, Brookfield HBT, spindle #6 @ 10 rpm, 25 °C
  • Conductivity: ≤ 187 milliohms per square at 8.5 microns fired film thickness
  • Solids: 71.1 ±1%