
  • Paste Type: Conductor
  • Application Method: Screen Printing
  • Substrate: Alumina
  • Metal: AgPd
  • Application: Hybrid IC
  • Description: C2105 is a 20:1 AgPd composition designed for hybrid applications and application where leach resistance is required. The C2105 conductor is suitable for a wide variety of applications such as automotive electronics, power hybrids and commercial applications where common requirement exist. It exhibits good solderability and aged adhesion properties.
  • Key features: Good solderability#Excellent long-term adhesion#Good leach resistance
  • Process Temperature: 850 °C peak temperature10 minutes at peakTotal cycle time 30-60 minutes.
  • Film Thickness : 9-15 um
  • Viscosity: 150-220 Kcps Brookfield HBTSC4-14 spindle, 6R utility cup at 10 rpm, 25 °C
  • Conductivity: ≤ 8 milliohms/square at 12 um fired film thickness
  • Solids: 79.0% ± 1.5 %
  • Alloy Ratio: 20:01