
  • Paste Type: Polymer Thick Film
  • Application Method: Screen Printing
  • Metal: N/A
  • Application: EL Panel
  • Description: BT-101 is a barium titanate dielectric used as a capacitance layer between phosphor and back electrodes on EL lamps.
  • Key features: #Provides excellent electrical insulation while maintaining a high dielectric constant to optimize the performance of EL lamps#Suitable for screen print applications, and is designed to provide an optimal balance between long open time on screens and fast drying in conventional ovens#Offers outstanding moisture resistance when dried completely#Compatible with PrIElex conductive materials for EL electrodes
  • Printing Parameters: Monofilament polyester (157 to 230 mesh) or stainless steel (165-325 mesh) is recommended
  • Viscosity: 10-12 kcps SC4-14 Spindle @ SR 20
  • Conductivity: > 1 X 10 Ω-cm
  • Solids: 65-69%
  • Particle Size Distribution: <10 µ
  • Resistivity (Ohm/sq.): >1 X 10 Ω-cm
  • Breakdown Voltage : > 500 volts