- Paste Type: Conductor
- Application Method: Screen Printing
- Substrate: MLCC
- Metal: AgPd
- Application: Buried Electrode
- Description: The Ag/Pd powders contained in these pastes are alloyed, micro-fine particles. The organic system has been developed to be compatible with a wide range of tape systems. The pastes can also be customized with customer specific inorganic additives to minimize shrinkage mismatch and optimize electrical properties.
- Key features: BT based dielectrics
- Process Temperature: 1115-1130°C peak temperature.
- Viscosity: 30-35 Kcps, Brookfield RVT
Spindle #14 at 10 rpm, 25°C
- Solids: 55% ± 1%
- Alloy Ratio: 70:30:00