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  2. Products and Solutions / 
  3. Bonding Wires / 
  4. Fine Wires / 
  5. Gold-Coated Silver Fine Bonding Wires

AgCoat® Prime: Gold-Coated Silver Bonding Wire

  • Gas-free FAB formation in bonding process

  • Longer floor life (60 days) compared to Ag alloy wire​

  • Improved second bond workability

  • Improved reliability performance on HTS and TC compared to Au wire

  • Reuse existing ball bonders in your production floor

  • Retain existing facility infrastructure to avoid any CAPEX investment

  • Slower IMC growth rate compared to Au wire

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AgCoat® Prime offers a substitute for gold bonding wire in the highly competitive Memory, LED and Smartcard market. This gold-coated silver bonding wire ensures high performance at a lower cost. Gold-plated wires are suitable for use in the bonding process when a high level of reliability and conductive capacity are essential.

With AgCoat® Prime Heraeus Electronics offers a real alternative to the gold wire for the packaging industry. AgCoat® Prime is a silver alloy bonding wire coated with a layer of gold. Because AgCoat® Prime's specifications are closely aligned to gold bonding wire, no inert gas is required, so no investment or changes to production equipment and facilities are necessary when switching from gold wire to gold-coated wires.

Applications include:

  • Computer:
    • PC (Memory-DRAM, NAND)
    • Tablets
    • Servers & systems
  • Consumer Electronics:
    • Smartphones & phones
    • TVs
    • Imaging devices
    • Wearable electronics
  • Automotive:
    • Body
    • Safety
    • Infotainment
    • Chassis
    • Powertrain
    • Security
  • Communication:
    • Wireless
    • Wired
    • Satellite
    • NFC
  • Medical equipment:
    • IVD
    • Imaging
    • CV therapies
    • Orthopedics & spine
  • Aerospace & defense:
    • Commercial aircrafts
    • Defense
  • Energy:
    • Generation
    • Transmission & distribution
    • Storage