
The Heraeus Group's sustainability reports show how the company assumes social responsibility and pursues sustainable economic practices.

Our products and processes are constantly adapted for greater environmental protection and resource efficiency.

The Heraeus Group's goal to reduce carbon emissions by 2030 underlines the commitment to fighting climate change and creating a sustainable legacy. These efforts are a promise to our customers, partners and our employees that Heraeus is continually working to create sustainable value for society and the environment.


As part of the Heraeus Group, Heraeus Electronics acts according to the Compliance Management System. Heraeus has defined procedures to ensure Group-wide compliance with legal obligations and voluntary guidelines. At the Group level, the Heraeus Compliance Officer (Responsibility Office) is responsible for the management system. Operational implementation and adherence to the compliance rules of the Group and the respective OpCo is the responsibility of the managing directors, who are supported in this by the responsible compliance officers.
In this context, the Heraeus Code of Conduct serves as a central framework for action for the global business activities of all business segments and has contributed to securing the long-term success of the company since 2007. It contains binding regulations that are specified in guidelines that apply throughout the Group.

Conflict Materials

Responsible handling of conflict minerals and precious metals is a fundamental value and guiding principle across the Heraeus Group.
Heraeus Electronics is a socially responsible company. We care for the well-being of people and communities. We conduct business fairly and ethically, respect human rights, comply with laws and regulations, and follow a rigorous Code of Conduct.

Based on our shared set of values and principles we are strictly committed not to purchase any material i.e., conflict minerals. Heraeus operates in accordance with the "OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-affected and high-risk areas".

For more information about Heraeus Corporate Responsibility, please download our reports and guidelines.