
  • Paste Type: Conductor
  • Application Method: Screen Printing
  • Substrate: Alumina, Zirconia, Other Functional Ceramic
  • Metal: Pt
  • Application: Sensors
  • Description: C3682 is a reactive (metal oxide) bonded platinum paste which fires to a dense fired surface. It has a rheology suitable for brushing.C3682 is particularly useful for the manufacture of O2 sensors.
  • Key features: Fritless, reactive bond paste#Chemically resistant#Brushable viscosity#Can be used on Alumina, Zirconia and Titania bodies
  • Process Temperature: Fire at 850-1100 °C (peak) for 9-11 minutes.
  • Viscosity: 9-15 Pas (22 °C, D = 33/s)
  • Conductivity: ≤ 130 milliohms/square (FFT: 10 um)
  • Solids: 68.5 % ± 1.5 %
  • Alloy Ratio: 100