
  • Paste Type: Conductor
  • Application Method: Screen Printing
  • Substrate: Alumina, Aluminum Nitride
  • Metal: Pt
  • Application: Hybrid IC,Heaters,Sensors
  • Description: C3620 is a screen printable fritted platinum conductor paste that fires on Aluminum Nitride (AlN) and 96 % Alumina (Al2O3) to a pure metal surface
  • Key features: Wide firing temperature window#HTCR > 3000 ppm/°C#Compatible with SAC305
  • Process Temperature: 850-1400 °C peak temperature. Dwell time of 9-11 minutes.
  • Film Thickness : 8.0-12.0 um
  • Viscosity: 180-220 Kcps Brookfield HBTSC4-14 spindle, 6R utility cup at 10 rpm, 25 °C
  • Conductivity: ≤ 100 milliohms/square at 12 um fired film thickness
  • Solids: 75.5 ± 1.0 %
  • Alloy Ratio: 100